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Swimming with a child who has special needs may require some additional equipment to ensure the safety of your child and the safety of others in the swimming pool. Whether your child requires special needs swimming diapers, or special needs swimming devices, good preparation can make your day at the local swimming pool go a lot more smoothly.

When Your Child Doesn't Know How to Swim

If your child is not able to swim on their own, a special needs swimming float will help your child be more independent in the water. Special needs swimming equipment is made with your child in mind. As your child gets older, floatation devices from a traditional store may no longer fit your child with special needs or work for their individual needs. For instance, your child may need more stabilization, more space or a way to keep your their face dry while they enjoy the water.  When you invest in a special needs swimming float, your child will always have a device that allows them to participate in water activities. Of course, never leave the pool unattended - be sure to watch your child closely and as with anyone who is unable to swim, and only let them remain in the shallow end of the pool. You can also look into swim lessons specifically for children with special needs.

If Your Child Is Incontinent

If your child is incontinent, you should invest in special needs swimming diapers. These will help keep your child and the water clean by using the right products to contain bodily functions while your child is swimming. You don't want to ruin your good time swimming with an accident that will cause not only your child but everyone else swimming to have to get out of the pool so it can be cleaned. 

Keep Your Equipment Organized and Clean

Special needs swimming equipment should be dried off before you put it back into the car. Pay attention to the seating area to make sure it is clean and ready to be put away. If flotation devices are put away while they are still wet, they can grow mold and mildew and begin to smell. Check your equipment after it is used to make sure it is still in good shape for the next use, to avoid any further annoyance or aggravation for your child.

Pay Attention to Sunblock and Water Intake

If you are out swimming in the hot sun with your child who has special needs, pay attention to using sunblock. Don’t forget: a long stay in the water can wash all the sunblock off! Reapply sunblock as necessary, and pay attention to your child’s sun exposure throughout the day. Your child will also need to stay well hydrated, so make sure they are getting plenty to drink while you are out having fun.

Have Help With You If Possible

When your child is a bit older and it may be difficult for you to manage on your own, bring help with you if you can. As a parent of a child with special needs, you know how hard it can be to do things like going swimming. If you can bring help with you, they can carry any equipment you need so that you can focus on your child. 

At Infinite Therapy Solutions, we want your child to succeed throughout life. It is important to keep up with any therapy your child is prescribed, including over the summer months when you are having fun as a family. When you maintain therapy, your child won’t fall behind in the skills that they have learned. When you want to take your child with special needs out swimming:

  • Have a special needs swimming float for your child.

  • Invest in special needs swimming diapers if necessary.

  • Bring help with you to make the trip easier.

  • Remember sunscreen and water for both you and your child.

To learn more about the services offered at Infinite Therapy Solutions, contact us at 201-455-3144 and set up an initial consultation. We will be happy to assess the needs of your child so that they can get the therapy they need in the comfort of your home.

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237 Avenue E,  Bayonne, NJ 07002   (201) 455-3144

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