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Occupational Therapy

Get A Handle On it

OT at ITS helps kids improve their cognitive, physical, sensory processing skills, and emotional regulation.


A child's main job is playing and learning. Occupational therapists will evaluate your child's play skills and daily activities (getting dressed, brushing teeth, self-feeding) and comparev them to what is developmentally appropriate for your child's age group. Some children who benefit from our pediatric OT solutions include:

  • Sensory processing disorders

  • Traumatic injuries (brain or spinal cord)

  • Poor handwriting

  • Clumsiness

  • Hand/eye coordination deficits

  • Under/over stimulation to sound or touch 

  • Delays in developmental milestones

  • Visual perceptual skill deficits


Certain diagnoses benefit from Occupational Therapy. These include:

  • Autism

  • Cerebral Palsy

  • Down's Syndrome

  • Developmental Disorders

  • Genetic Syndromes


What OT's work on

Five Senses ..Five Friends

The five external senses, or as we at ITS like to call them the "five friends": touch, sound, sight, smell, taste as well as the two internal senses, proprioceptive and vestibular, all need to work cooperatively in a child's body so they can process information/input/stimulation and interact with the environment successfully. These complex processes of the nervous system do not always occur without disruptions. For example, is your child oversensitive to otherwise normal sensory inputs, uncoordinated and clumsy, overwhelmed by people and places, hyperactive or plays excessively rough? ITS occupational therapists will evaluate your child to determine if your child has sensory processing issues and come up with advanced therapy solutions to best address his/her needs. Treatment includes implementing a plan of organizing and self regulating activities to improve his/her responses to environmental stimulation.

Adjust the Dial

As a parent, you have seen your child tantrum and have difficulty standing still. We have all gone through those terrible two's. If your child has reached school age and you are receiving calls from the school that these tantrums are continuing with other negative behaviors associated with it, this may be a sign that your child has difficulty with emotional self regulation. Self regulation is the ability to manage your emotions and behaviors in accordance with the demands of the situation. Whether your child is upset due to frustration or excited, emotional dysregulation will prevent your child from calming him/herself down without some manifestation of an outburst.

ITS occupational therapists help with emotional regulation therapy solutions for your children. Teaching children calming strategies and assessing sensory integration issues will help you to understand the reasons why your child is having difficulties in their school setting.

Do it "Write"

Handwriting is more complex than you may think. It involves coordinating the eyes, arms, hands, pencil grip, letter formation, and body posture. If your child is having difficulty with writing, whether at school, or at home, ITS occupational therapists can assess the underlying issues. Poor strength and motor control, as well as visual perceptual difficulties are names of only a few reasons why your child may struggle with handwriting. Let ITS occupational therapists help your child do it "write."

Our therapists have advanced training and certifications in the following areas:


Sensory Integrations
Neurodevelopental Treatment (NDT)
Brain Gym*Therapeutic Listening
Handwriting Without Tear
Cuevas Medek Exercises (CME)
Trigger Point Therapy
Therapeutic Yoga
Certified Professional Training
Feldenkrais Method
Ergonomic Assessment Specialties

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Copyright © 2021 Infinite Therapy Solutions, all rights reserved.
237 Avenue E,  Bayonne, NJ 07002   (201) 455-3144

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